Amazon: Pumpkin AR
About Pumpkin AR:
This project came as our first consumer-facing project after a series of AR prototypes for Amazon. A user could draw inside of the AR target, scan the template and see their drawing carved into a 3D pumpkin that could then be customized, worn or shared across social channels. More than 8 million boxes were sent out to customers. This project is still live and the printable template and app can be found at Project Timeline We began work on the project in April of 2020 and concluded in September of the same year. Project Responsibilities Senior Project Manager The team working on this project was not particularly large- At it's peak it was 5 not counting stakeholders- but the challenges were many. We had the challenge of creating new, unproven tech to scan drawings and convert them into usable masks for the shader-based 'carve', but we also had the challenge of taking all of that future tech and packaging it into a usable, engaging application that could be used by kids and adults, tech-savvy or not. My role was to manage Subvrsive's team. At it's peak we had 3 engineers running in 2 week sprints, a 3D artist building the pumpkin accessories, a full-time QA resource, a part-time Associate Producer and a 2-person UI/UX team building prototypes and production assets. Additionally, I also acted as the liaison between Subvrsive and Amazon's internal stakeholders, balancing their product feedback and a deadline-driven holiday schedule. Additionally, we had to consider print deadlines and restrictions as well as integrating into Amazon's security requirements and proprietary app framework. Where to download it: Amazon Halloween AR |
TEAMTeam Credits (Subvrsive):
Suwas Walve - Unity Engineer David Ayliff - Unity Engineer Read Bixby - Engineering Lead Nataliia K - Associate Producer & QA Lead Josh Christensen - Creative Director Lexi Drake - UI / UX Artist Ian VIllamin - Production Lead Max Bolotov - Client Partner Amazon: Vas Obeyesekere Maggie McDowell Jeremiah Habets |
Winner, Best Mobile VR Experience, Proto Awards 2015